US 7 – Looney Leapers

One night, in the winter of 1990, two of my son’s, Steve and Dave, “hit me up” with a request. They had an appointment in the middle of the Hite Marina bridge, in the morning, and they needed a ride. Now the little community of Hite sits at the end of Lake Powell about thirty miles below Hanksville, Utah. Hite’s principle function is to serve as an oasis in the middle of nowhere in the off season, and a boat launch in the summer. The Hite Marina bridge is impressive. Continue reading “US 7 – Looney Leapers”

Let Me Tell You a Story 2 – Dancing with the Dark Angel

It is Six in the morning and I’m struggling to get back to sleep.  My “Soul Voice” (1.) isn’t happy with me and it is gruffly telling me “Tis not too late to seek a newer world.” But there is another darker voice.

I know my mind, and when it gets like this trying to sleep is a waste of time. So I am up and tuning in on the signals buzzing in my head. I am trying to find the courage and the commitment I need to pick up the proverbial gauntlet that my best self has been incessantly throwing at my feet. But the dark voice hovers. Continue reading “Let Me Tell You a Story 2 – Dancing with the Dark Angel”