INTRODUCTION: Cracks that Let in the “Light.”

No better way to start a post about truth and inspiration than telling what is most likely an ”Urban Legend”, but as a good friend of mine once observed – “A Good Story is worth telling, as long as it has truth in it.”


The story, as I remember, goes – Henry Winkler , the “Fonz” was on a talk show and lamented his fate as a typed cast actor, suggesting that the legacy of the “Fonz” was destroying any chance he had of ever getting another memorable part. Lord Lawrence Olivier, also a guest on the show, listened politely, but finally had had enough and interrupted.

“Dear Boy, stop it. You are making a living at a craft where only one in a thousand make any money at all. Your leather clad friend, someone you created from clear air, because you are good at what you do, has given you immortality. Granted Burton and I have our Hamlet’s, but neither of us have a ‘Fonz’. Shut up and just thank God for your good fortune!” 1.

Andy Warhol suggested we all get noticed for fifteen minutes, any more time is gravy, but I like to think we all add something to the global mix. Rabbinic Judaism calls it Tikkun Olam (to repair the world) – that the universe has been shattered into each of us and we are charged with replacing just our piece.

Years ago I read a book that my own internal music resonated to. It was written by a Teacher/Television entertainer named Sam Levenson and he may of been referencing Tikkun Olam when he wrote:


Sam Levenson (December 28, 1911 – August 27, 1980) was an American humorist, writer, teacher, television host, and journalist.


“….each newborn child arrives on earth with a message to deliver…. Clenched in his little fist is some particle of yet unrevealed truth, some missing clue, which may solve the enigma of man’s destiny….he will never get another chance….He(/She) must be treated as top Sacred.

“ ……what is his(/her) meaning? When He (She) is born we give (them)a public name. This provides only tentative identification until(they) find his(her)own true name, his(/her) potential at birth so completely realized that he and his work and his name become one. To have lived without having ’made a name for himself’ is virtually to have died at birth.

“…. Never to discover one’s self is never to be free. The road to personal freedom goes from cognition(thought), to self-cognition(self recognition), to the supreme joy of recognition of others.”

Levenson then discussed the possibility of creating a symbolic “Grave for the Unknown Child,” a constant reminder to all who would wear the ’label’ of teacher, parent or guide about the significance of being a catalyst to self actualization.  That as a teacher they should commit to facilitate a child needs to discover how to cognate – think; recognize the wonder of their own uniqueness; and then have the validation of knowing that their personality and their contribution are AND will be valued and recognized by others. 2.

This video was made by my son Dave and yes that is his wife and his kids.

In this age of revisionist historians, something can not be honest and worthy unless genius and accomplishment is preceded by a list of flaws and blemishes which minimize the achievements of the hero. I agree with this written by Philips Brooks –


Phillips Brooks (December 13, 1835 – January 23, 1893)
American Episcopal clergyman and author
Wrote the Lyrics to “O Little Town of Bethlehem”.

“There are some who count the tares (weeds) so loud that the field grows ashamed of itself. Your child, your scholar, your employee or friend – you may fulfill him or destroy him if you make him feel weak and insignificant and drive him to despair. You destroy if your words generate shame. On the other hand you can fulfill if you catch and celebrate every positive step forward. If you encourage and praise at every opportunity the upward stretch. If you recognize and confirm the feeblest, clumsy reach to improve with a ‘Well Done.’ A growing sense of personal value will ensue and the step will lengthen, the reach will extend higher and the bar will be raised. You can validate both the child’s sense of worth and the credence of his hopes and dreams.” 3.

Now please understand, I do not endorse such corroding PC creations as creative spelling and the adoration of ineptitude, but honest effort and growth should be lionized. I concur with Leonard Cohen’s prescription –


Ring out the Bell that still can Ring
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack,
A crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.


– Anthem
Leonard Cohen

Granted my offering, is cannon fodder for stunted, nasty, critical “Gadflies,” who think their “gig” is to bite and sting any who try, but never manage to get in into “offering Business” themselves. And the fact that my offering is just one more recipe for chicken broth and noodles for your psyche doesn’t help. Maybe I am a merchant of ”Fried Froth” and my Schlock and Schmaltz could put both Walt Disney and Michael Landon into diabetic shock. But gotta dance.

Well here we go and I hope some light creeps in through the cracks. Maybe just one more thing.

Say Something Nice

The World can be a dark place where unkindness writes the rules.
Where everyone, but you and me are incompetents and fools.
But if we wish, another world to come into our view,
Where everyone is working hard, just like me and you.
Seeing goodness instead of failure doesn’t need a look precise.
We just open up your kisser and say something nice.
We could focus on the errors, see the dirty and the grim.
We could pick a part our neighbor and say what’s wrong with him.
But we could also list and reckon all that’s noble, good, and true.
You could say what’s right with me, and I’d do the same for you.
It wouldn’t have to be lengthy.  It could be simple and concise.
We’d just open up our smile and say something nice.
Life is full of critics who are caustic, mean, and curt.
They rip a part our offering and fling it in the dirt.
It takes a noble soldier to press ahead and shine.
Until you have discovered your gift and I discover mine.
How sweet to get a frog kiss when smarting from the woe
That came from a critic’ comments who didn’t like the show.
So pucker up dear kisser and take some sound advice.
Just open up your cake hole and say something nice.


My son Steven took these words, composed the music and he is singing.

      Say Something Nice
  1. There is no way with the “Tar Baby” that’s my mind I’d know where I heard this story, but I tell it with the greatest respect for Henry Winkler’s distinctive career.
  2. Sam Levenson, Everything, but Money. 1966 pp. 169.
  3. Phillips Brooks, I scribbled this quote down when I was nineteen and I have nothing, but his name. I suspect that he is the nineteenth century clergyman.
  4. Leonard Cohen – Anthem

Dear Reader and Friend –

I love to share what I think is good stuff. I am an audio visual learner and my teaching style is rich with media. I know you have been very kind in giving me a quick look see, but if you are still engaged in the subject you might enjoy the videos etc. I insert at the back end of the post.

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