US 2 – Dancing with Change Part 1 of Adventures with My Dad

Acting on dreams in the Daylight is a dangerous business. Bill Cosby (Who is going through a self imposed rough patch, right now) knows that and rightly maintains that conventual education is not friendly to it. He thinks “daydreaming” should be a class and you should get a grade for it. Wouldn’t it be cool if daylight dreaming was celebrated.

Right now, Daylight Dreaming makes the dreamer seem disengaged, bored  and strange – not engaged in conventual education. As a result, willful dreamers are frequently stigmatized and labeled as slow or difficult. Continue reading “US 2 – Dancing with Change Part 1 of Adventures with My Dad”

Now That’s Interesting 1 – Dreamers of the Day


I love this quote.  It’s by T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia):

“All people dream: but not equally.  Those who dream at night in the dusty recesses of their mind wake in the day to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous people, for they may dream with open eyes to make it possible.” 1.

Continue reading “Now That’s Interesting 1 – Dreamers of the Day”